How to get help after the unimaginable: the loss of a child. In 2002, Robyn Bear, Lisa Brown and Tammy Novak petitioned the federal government to proclaim October 15 Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day. Today, all 50 states have a yearly proclamation in honor of those who have lost a child during pregnancy or […]
Top reasons the influenza vaccine is more important than ever this flu season. Amid the many adjustments we’ve all made in the face of COVID-19, it’s vital to remember that flu season is around the corner. This year, it’s more important than ever that Americans get their flu vaccinations. While many healthy adults sometimes forgo […]
All Prenatal Vitamins Are Not Created Equal “Train. Say your prayers. Eat your vitamins.” – Professional Wrestler Hulk Hogan We don’t have to be professional athletes to need vitamins. In fact, because of our often-lacking standard American diets, everybody can benefit from taking vitamins regularly. Why? Because we probably don’t get all the nutrients we […]
A Guide to Postpartum Urinary Incontinence A woman’s body goes through incredible changes as it delivers another human life. It’s an experience to be proud of! But once a woman’s body is her own again (for the most part), she might experience new changes she didn’t expect. One major side effect of pregnancy and delivery? […]
Our Doctors Assist With Every Stage of a Woman’s Life. When most women think of an “OBGYN,” they tend to associate that acronym with “the doctor they see for their annual mammogram/pap smear” and/or their “baby doctor.” But what a lot of women don’t realize is that the physicians at Advanced Women’s Healthcare offer so […]
Take Proper Steps for Optimal Pre-Pregnancy Health When you reach the time in your life when you are ready to start a family, it’s important to make smart and informed decisions prior to getting pregnant so can you have a healthy pregnancy going forward. Preconception Health Tips The US Department of Health and Human Services […]
How to prepare for your expenses before and after baby arrives. You’ve taken a pregnancy test, and it’s positive. Congratulations! Many thoughts are racing through your excited head, including money. How much will you need to set aside monthly for the expenses of your new family member? Having children is no inexpensive feat, that’s for […]
The 3 Major Signs of Labor, Plus More Subtle Signs You’ve read the pregnancy books, you’ve attended classes at your hospital and you’ve heard every piece of advice (solicited or not!) for what to do when you’re going into labor. But do you know for sure when it’s truly the right time to head to […]
From cold and cough to hemorrhoid and nausea, we break down safe OTC medications to take while pregnant. It’s the dead of winter and you can’t sleep, because you’re 7 months pregnant and your baby has decided to be nocturnal. You know you need sleep, because lack of good rest inhibits your immune system. This […]
Ob/Gyns say the best prevention this flu season is to get vaccinated. Deadlines are piling up at work. Your older kid signed you up for a dozen items at the school holiday party. Your younger kid’s daycare has informed you that a stomach bug is going around. Your Christmas shopping list doesn’t have a dent […]