October is a great month to spread awareness of the importance of regular mammograms in early detection of breast diseases.

October is breast cancer awareness month, and mammograms are an essential tool in early detection and prevention. Mammograms detect lumps or masses that are too small to be felt through self exams, and mammograms continue to be a vital step in detecting and treating breast cancers early. Here are a few facts about mammograms.

What is a Mammogram?

A mammogram is an X-ray examination of the breasts, used to detect and diagnose breast diseases. 

Mammogram Statistics

  • A woman’s chance of developing cancer in her lifetime is 1 in 8. 
  • A new breast cancer patient is diagnosed every 2.5 minutes. 
  • More than 2 million breast cancer survivors are alive in the United States today. 
  • The American Cancer Society recommends that all women have a baseline screening mammogram between ages 40 and 44.

Who Should Get a Mammogram?

The American Cancer Society recommends yearly screenings for women with an average risk of breast cancer at age 45-55. After age 55, the ACS recommends a mammogram every other year but may elect to continue yearly screenings if you choose. Women at high risk should get a mammogram every year. 

Who is High Risk for Breast Cancer? 

  • Those with a family history of breast cancer
  • Those who had radiation therapy on their chest between 10 and 30 years of age
  • Those with a known BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation or a first-degree relative with either
  • Those who have Li-Fraumeni syndrome, Cowden syndrome, or Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome, or have first-degree relatives with one of these syndromes

How to Schedule a Mammogram in Dallas

If it is time for your annual mammogram, call Solis Mammography to schedule an appointment at 866-717-2551 or online at solismammo.com. Conveniently, a Solis Mammography facility is across the street from our office at Medical City Dallas. To find other Solis locations, visit solismammo.com.

Medical Records Requests

If you are requesting that AWHDallas either send or receive records for you, we will need a signed medical record release form prior to processing. Once completed, the release form can be faxed to 972-573-0500. Processing medical records requests may take up to two weeks. Please be sure your release form is signed and all fields are complete and legible. This will help expedite the process. Medical Records Release Form »

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