HPV stands for Human Papilloma Virus. These viruses are the most common sexually transmitted diseases. There are more than 14 million new cases of HPV in the U.S. each year. It is estimated that every sexually active man or woman will acquire or be exposed to a genital HPV infection at some point in their […]
I wish the answer to that question was a simple “yes.” In that perfect world, we could perform an easy blood test or swab that provided a definitive answer about a person’s short term and long term likelihood of getting cancer and use that information to formulate a strategy to decrease her risk. Unfortunately, as […]
There I was, freshly fallen down the hump protruding directly between thirty and forty years old; “middle-aged” (okay, maybe a slight exaggeration) and just into the second trimester of this third, and by far, hardest pregnancy. For 30 days and nights I had been starving my body of all things carb, making a most valiant […]